Major Project, Inspired artist (2)- Planning and process, Artists research

Major project 

Recently most people eat variety of supplements around the globe.
However, these days we do not suffer from famine. We live era that enough food. Therefore, now we can eat food anytime and everywhere. Nevertheless, large numbers of people eat supplements and medicines.

when I did tutorial with Zoe, she said "I can understand" also she said "it is not included in your purpose" Therefore I am going to rethink deeply to my major project.

 We have large numbers of supplement companies.

Damien hirst

He is on of my favourite artists. I like his work, because he usually do work based on death, health and human. I really interested in death, health and human like him.
Therefore I think about human health and death.

At first, one is that I connected lungs and cigarette.
Two is that I connected liver and alcohol. But I think it is too simple and it is like cliche thus it will be boring to people.

He had been making many works.
Especially I am Inspired by Medicine Cabinets series of Damien Hirst.

Medicine Cabinets - Damien hirst(1998-2008)

 Glass, faced particleboard, pine, ramin, plastic, aluminium and pharmaceutical packaging, Diptych
 Glass, faced particleboard, pine, ramin, plastic, aluminium and pharmaceutical packaging, Diptych
 Glass, faced particleboard, pine, ramin, plastic, aluminium and pharmaceutical packaging, Diptych

One day he went to pharmacy with his mother.
But he saw that his mother received medicines and his mother totally trusted in the medicines that they do not know the pills ingredients. 
But it is same with our.
Because, most people trust in medicines even they do not know about the ingredients.
Therefore Damien Hirst want to criticise to blind faith.

Bad Side Effects of supplements

This is bad side effects of supplements.
Most people know that the supplements are helpful to humans body, however it is not true.
They do not know about supplements or drugs what is useful and what is harmful certainly.
Also they have been eating the drugs without even knowing it.

I researched inspired artist, supplement companies and bad side effects of supplements.
I really wondered about why people have been eating the supplements. Even we live in plenty of food . Even me, I had several supplements like protein shakes, vitamins and lactobacillus and so on.
But now I am not eating any supplements. I want to inform about people's dependence of medicines and pills.


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