Building website -

Building website

This site is that we can make a website on this site.

I entered this website.

When we click the sign-up, we can choose what kind of website ( theme of website).

Here are many website templates, therefore you can pick that one you like.


I picked several templates.
This template is too simple, thus I think it is unsuitable for me.
I like to show large image because it is easier to show up to others. 


I like this one, because it can show large images.
My progression route is fine art, therefore I think it is suitable to my major, 
because the main point of fine art is clear photo.

This template's advantage is summarised all of the artwork to the bottom of the site.

Also, when I click the picture I can see details of the artwork.  


This template is a commercial template, therefore it is really clean, And there is contact us page.

I like the second one because the template can show large images, therefore we can see own artwork easier than small. Also, there is the bottom of the website that shows summarised all artwork. 


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