WebSite Research

Website Research

Yesterday we learn about "", we can create our own
 website in here.

My major is fine art, therefore I researched website of fine art artists. I want to know what they make something and I want to find different artworks. 

The first website is Olga Dickey-Demchenko. 
Briefly, explain about her. She was born and studied in Russia and now is living in California. She utilizes the idea of heavy impasto with the contrast of heavy textured brushstrokes to soft fluid washes.  

She usually drew portraits and most of her artworks are women.

Damien hirst

He is my favorite one of the contemporary artists.
I really like his works, because I am interested in death. Almost his artworks are based on death, that is why I like him. Also, I really agree with his works  

His works are related with death. Therefore he used many dead animals for the works.
When I first see the work, I was surprised and it was mysterious.
But I can understand over time.

Anish Kapoor

He is famous contemporary artist in the world.
Also, I like him, because 

He invented the darkest black colour in the world.
Recently he covered the "Cloud Bridge" to darkest black.

He usually used vivid shade pigment.

He used red wax 
When I see this work I thought about "Shining" of the film.
I look like blood. He wants to explain auto-generation or born by itself.



  1. Please add a comment on which website you find the most inspirational and why. You need to analyse your research more.


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