Major project (8)

Major project

I divided five pieces.
This mean is human's emotion from medicines or drugs or pills.

I changed colour balance and controlled shadow.
Colour balance is (Ctrl +B).

Same way, I changed colour shade. I want to express addiction of emotion.
I think yellow shade can show addiction in human's emotion. Because two years ago I saw drawing of addict, the most part of drawing's shade was yellow. So that's why I chose the yellow shade.

I made this to express hallucination. If we fall into drugs, we can not distinguish what is real and what is not real. Even they can not notice family. Therefore I made that anybody can not notice the real colour of the work.

This stage is peck of emotion.
Therefore if anyone reach to the peak of the emotion, they lose their emotion controlling. Moreover they may be crazy and might be reached death. So I used strong colour.


I made five different shade This work have a short story. First is pleasure comes from medicines, second is addiction to the pills (medicines), third is hallucination, fourth reached peak state, last is death. I adopted pop art technique because of similar characteristic between medicines and pop art. Pop art is commercial and popular genre and most people have medicines or pills in their home. Therefore I used pop art elements in my works. And when I started it, I do not have enough time. So I a little bit regret about this project. First I really confused and I misunderstood. I was disappointed by myself. But gradually I improved my idea, thanks to Zoe and Zoya. But until now I am not sure that it is right way and right work. However I am a student, my duty is to learn about art. I want to develop and I will be developed!     


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